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Lunch Menu

Delicious, nutritious, vegetarian lunch is provided by our Home & School Parent Association.

Lunch Logistics

Hot lunch is provided Monday through Thursday. We serve a variety of healthy, vegetarian lunches.


Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., with younger students usually eating first.  Lunch breaks are approximately 30 minutes long.


You are encouraged to pack healthy snacks with your child each day to eat before or after lunch.


Hot Lunch costs $3 per meal. Hot lunch charge will be added to your bill at the end of the month.


If you are interested in helping with lunch, reach out to Home & School via email.



Menu is subject to change without notice.



Packing a Lunch

Juice, punch and soda are not permitted.  Only water is permitted outside of the cafeteria.


Parents are asked to pack

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