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Dress Code


In our dress, as in all things, it is our privilege to honor our Creator. Student clothing shall reflect the Christian principles of our school community and shall be neat, modest, clean and appropriate.

Since parents largely control the clothing worn by students, their responsibility and cooperation in guiding their children in these areas is greatly appreciated. It is the prerogative of the SAS staff and administration to determine whether styles of dress and grooming are consistent with the standards of the school. These standards apply for school attendance and all school functions.

  1. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times while at school. Flip-flops, slippers and *high-heels should not be worn, and closed-toed shoes must be worn for recess. For PE and sports activities, students must wear supportive athletic shoes in order to participate. Cleated shoes are not permitted in the school building. (*high-heeled dress shoes may be appropriate for school programs.)

  2. Clothing must be neat, clean, well-fitted, and in good repair (not ragged or torn). PE uniforms and sleepwear/loungewear are not appropriate for daily school attire. Sheer, revealing, and tight clothing is not permitted, and undergarments should remain covered at all times.

  3. No hoods, caps, or hats are to be worn indoors.

  4. Clothing and all school-related materials (notebooks, backpacks, pencil boxes, etc.)

    should not display non-Christian graphics or promote non-Christian messages (i.e. alcohol beverages, drugs, tobacco products, skulls, anti-Christian products, offensive language, rock groups, etc.)

  5. Shorts that are mid-thigh or longer may be worn. Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than the top of the knee when standing.

  6. Shirts and tops must be long enough to completely cover the midriff at all times. Tank tops and shirts with low-cut or revealing necklines are not to be worn. Sleeveless tops with fitted armholes are acceptable.

  7. Necklaces, rings, hoop or dangling earring, bracelets, and facial jewelry are not to be worn at school, nor at any school function. Simple stud earrings are allowed.

  8. Hair should be neat, clean and out of the eyes. Unnatural or extreme colors of hair are not acceptable. Excessive makeup is not allowed.


  • ●  Navy blue, black, gray, white or Khaki cotton twill uniform pants and shorts, or knee-length or longer skirts and polo dresses from a uniform   clothing line (no denim, or tight-fitting styles. (leggings and tights may only be worn under skirts and dresses.)

  • ●  Any solid color in uniform line polo shirts, blouses with collars, or turtlenecks, logo-free except for optional SAS logo

  • ●  Any solid color, logo-free sweater or jacket or SAS jacket

  • ●  Shoes must be worn at all times and be appropriate for school, classroom and outside

    activities (no slippers or flip-flops). Snow/rain boots may be worn outside.

  • ●  Hats and sunglasses may be worn outside only.

  • ●  Preschool/Pre-K—Optional dress

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