Healthy Snack Policy
Many children consume up to half of their daily calories at school, so it is essential to make sure they have healthy snacks and drinks available, in addition to healthy lunch meals.
We ask that parents pack two snacks per day for your child to eat before or after lunch. This is to ensure that each child has food that is safe for him/her
When packing snacks please follow these guidelines:
Be a “whole grain-rich” grain product; or
Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or
Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable
Snacks should not be too messy for eating in the classroom.
Please cut up fresh fruits and vegetables for easy servings, please wash before cutting all fruits and vegetables.
Please pack a napkin with your child’s snack.
Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, yogurt, cheese and other healthy choices like dried fruit are preferred snack choices.
There is not refrigeration available for snacks in the classroom. If refrigeration is needed please pack in a cooler.
Snack Ideas
Sliced apples or carrots with peanut butter
Gold Fish
Granola bars
Hummus and pita chips
Orange slices
Trail mix
Cheese sticks
Whole wheat pretzels
Sliced fruit